Hospice Services
Comforting Hands Hospice services are provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We work with you and your family when you need us, with care that is specific to your needs. Our staff focuses on a personal touch, a high level of communication, and team involvement with and for every patient and their family and friends.
Our Services Include but Are Not Limited To:
Individualized Plan of Care
All medications related to hospice diagnosis
Medical equipment and supplies required to manage symptoms related to hospice diagnosis
Physician medical direction
Routine visits by nurses and certified home health aides
Medical social worker services
Nutritional evaluation
Volunteer support
Continuous care during crisis
Respite care for family
Physical, occupational, and speech therapy
Qualifications for Hospice
Patients who have been diagnosed by their physician to have a life-limiting disease or condition with an estimated six months or less to live can qualify for hospice. Hospice care is provided in the patient’s home or nursing home.
Some of the most common conditions are:
End-Stage Cardiac Disease (CHF)
End-Stage Cerebrovascular Disease (CVA)
End-Stage Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
End-Stage Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
End-Stage Liver Disease
End-Stage Renal Disease
End-Stage Neurological Disease such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s
Bereavement Portal
Comforting Hands Hospice has created a private social media group available to bereaved families, offering online support and communication.
Payment for Hospice
Medicare Part A provides payment for those who qualify for the Medicare Hospice Benefit. Private insurance may also be a payment source. We provide service based on need. Services provided will not be determined by payment source.
To find out more about our Bartlesville, OK, facility and hospice services, please call 918-331-0003 or contact us today.
24-Hour Care